Skeleton’s Rebellion: Extinction, Art and Activism    

This over sized orangutan skeleton was made in response to a call out for skeletons of endangered species to join a funeral march at Parliament Square for the start of the Extinction Rebellion uprising in April 2019. I had been waiting for an opportunity to participate in the Climate Change and Extinction protest and this has become my conduit for contributing. I have run several workshops at which we have made smaller and larger skeletons for processions and to catch the attention of passers by and the media.

Constructed using flytipped plastic plumbing pipe, wire, bubble wrap, masking tape and bamboo.

Constructed using flytipped plastic plumbing pipe, wire, bubble wrap, masking tape and bamboo.

Make your own Marine Skeletons:

Easy to fish skeletons, make your own and forma shoal.

How to make a big fish skelly video.
